We are in the beautiful countryside of Murol, France. Everywhere you 1) look/watch
21 Read and underline. Then listen and check.
there are volcanoes, more than 2) eightieth/eighty of them! It\'s a place you
3) must/have to see to believe!
Our campsite offers everything you need, so you don\'t 4) have/has to pack a lot
of things!
There are lots of fun activities for all the family. You can go walking, go fishing, go
horse riding 5) because/or just relax and enjoy the beautiful view. One thing you
must do when you are here is take a train ride 6) up/down to the highest volcano
Puy de Dôme. You can get a great view of
all the volcanoes from there!


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4 (57 оценок)
dima7066 3 года назад
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1 look

2 eighty

3 have to

4 have to

5 or

6 up

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