Поставьте глаголы в скобках в инфинитив, либо с окончанием -ing 1. А:Let me (help) you carry the bags. В: That\'s very kind of you. Thanks. 2. А:What is Peter going to do after he finishes university? В:He wants (attend) a postgraduate course in Management. 3. A: Alan suggested (go) climbing on Sunday. Do you want to come? В: I\'d love to. 4. A: Did you find the test questions difficult? В: No, they were easy (answer). 5. А: Are you thinking of (visit) London this summer? В: No. I\'m travalling to Paris instead. 6. А: You\'d better (not/ride) your bicycle without a helmet. В: Of course I won\'t! 7. A: Did he admit (take) the money? B: Of course not!
1 (8 оценок)
абвгдеёжзийк 11 лет назад
Светило науки - 7 ответов - 28 раз оказано помощи
help,to attend,to go,to answer,visiting ,don't ride,to take

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