1. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form -ing/infinitive.
- The denied ______________ the window. (break)
- The baby began _____________ in the middle of the night. (cry).
- The decided _____________the homework. (do)
- I don’t want __________ to the cinema. (go)
- Has it stopped ____________ yet? (snow)
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
- Please remember ___________off the light when you go out.
- She remembered _____________ the door when she left. (lock)
- Tom now regrets ____________ what he said. (say)
- I am absolutely sure I locked the door. I do remember
_____________ it. (lock)
- The batteries in the radio need ______________. (change)
- I need ____________ batteries in the radio. (change)
Ответ проверен экспертом
5 (3 оценки)
galina572319 4 года назад
Светило науки - 9969 ответов - 180294 помощи


I. 1. They denied having broken the window.  

2. The baby began crying in the middle of the night.  

3. They decided to do the homework.  

4. I don’t want to go to the cinema.  

5. Has it stopped snowing yet?

II. 1. Please remember to turn off the light when you go out.  

2. She remembered to lock the door when she left.  

3. Tom now regrets having said what he said.  

4. I am absolutely sure I locked the door. I do remember locking it.  

5. The batteries in the radio need changing.  

6. I need to change batteries in the radio.

Остались вопросы?

1. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form -ing/infinitive.<br /> - The denied ______________ the window. (break)<br /> - The baby began _____________ in the middle of the night. (cry).<br /> - The decided _____________the homework. (do)<br /> - I don’t want __________ to the cinema. (go)<br /> - Has it stopped ____________ yet? (snow)<br /> 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.<br /> - Please remember ___________off the light when you go out.<br /> (turn)<br /> - She remembered _____________ the door when she left. (lock)<br /> - Tom now regrets ____________ what he said. (say)<br /> - I am absolutely sure I locked the door. I do remember<br /> _____________ it. (lock)<br /> - The batteries in the radio need ______________. (change)<br /> - I need ____________ batteries in the radio. (change)