3 Look at the table. Complete the sentences. Use comparative adjectives and less. sbp srbe sri i I gna silt i I szioaxs 019x9 taller than Theo Alice Olly Tall 1 1.55 m 4 1.50 m 1.48 m Intelligent Happy 1 Theo is 2√√ 3√ 2 Theo is 3 Theo is 4 Alice is 5 Olly is 6 Olly is 5 √ Superlative adjectives 6√√√ Alice. Olly. Alice. Olly. Alice. Alice. 5​
5 (1 оценка)
lilegorodnikovoj 10 месяцев назад
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2. Theo is more intelligent than Olly

3. Theo is less happy than Alice.

4. Alice is taller than Olly

5. Olly is less intelligent than Alice

6. Olly is happier than Alice


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