Vocabulary 30 мин даю

A. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more.

1. art – science – chef – geography - __________

2. UK – French – Canada – Ukraine - __________

3. ear – leg – belt – arm - __________

4. short – young – chubby – hair - ________ Score: / 8 б.


B. Complete with the correct form of have got.

1. A: _______ you ______ a black jacket?

B: No, I _______ but I ______ a blue jacket.

2. A: ________ Mandy ______ a brother?

B: Yes. She ________.

3. Kelly’s parrot _________ colourful wings.

4. The girls __________ fair hair. They’ve got dark hair. Score: / 7 б.

C. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. My sister usually ________ (study) after dinner.

2. Every afternoon Ted _______ (go) rollerblading.

3. My friends _______ (listen) to hip hop.

4. I often _______ (get) up late on Saturdays.

5. Zoia ________ (stay) at home on Fridays and ________ (watch) TV. Score: / 6 б.

D. Write the plural of the following nouns.

1.party _________ 6. family _________

2. woman __________ 7. watch _________

3. camera __________ 8. foot ___________

4. bus _______ 9. scarf ___________

5. fish _______ 10. child __________ Score: / 10 б.


E. Complete the dialogues with the sentences a-e.

a. Are you sure?

b. What does your mother look like?

c. Thank you very much.

d. I haven’t got a bike.

e. Look! That’s my mother.

1. Natalia (1) _________

Yana Wow. She’s very tall.

Natalia Yeah. (2) _______

Yana She’s short and slim.

2. Mike (3) _________

Ryan Here. You can ride my bike.

Mike (4) _________

Ryan Yes, of course.

Mike (5) _________

Ryan That’s all right.

осталось 20 мин

4 (2 оценки)
moamy19 1 год назад
Светило науки - 8 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. cross cheff add math

2. cross ukraine add USA

3. cross belt add head

4. cross hair add skinny


1. have you got a black jacket?

No, I haven't but I got a blue jacket.

2. Has, got

Yes, she has

3. have

4. have

C. 1. studies

2. goes

3. listens

4. get

5. stays , watches

D. 1. parties, families, women, watches, cameras, feet, buses, scarves, fishes, children.


1 e

2 b

3 d

4 a

5. c

Остались вопросы?

Vocabulary 30 мин даю<br /><br />A. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more.<br /><br />1. art – science – chef – geography - __________<br /><br />2. UK – French – Canada – Ukraine - __________<br /><br />3. ear – leg – belt – arm - __________<br /><br />4. short – young – chubby – hair - ________ Score: / 8 б.<br /><br />Grammar<br /><br />B. Complete with the correct form of have got. <br /><br />1. A: _______ you ______ a black jacket?<br /><br />B: No, I _______ but I ______ a blue jacket.<br /><br />2. A: ________ Mandy ______ a brother?<br /><br />B: Yes. She ________.<br /><br />3. Kelly’s parrot _________ colourful wings.<br /><br />4. The girls __________ fair hair. They’ve got dark hair. Score: / 7 б.<br /><br />C. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.<br /><br />1. My sister usually ________ (study) after dinner.<br /><br />2. Every afternoon Ted _______ (go) rollerblading.<br /><br />3. My friends _______ (listen) to hip hop.<br /><br />4. I often _______ (get) up late on Saturdays. <br /><br />5. Zoia ________ (stay) at home on Fridays and ________ (watch) TV. Score: / 6 б.<br /><br />D. Write the plural of the following nouns.<br /><br />1.party _________ 6. family _________<br /><br />2. woman __________ 7. watch _________<br /><br />3. camera __________ 8. foot ___________<br /><br />4. bus _______ 9. scarf ___________<br /><br />5. fish _______ 10. child __________ Score: / 10 б.<br /><br />Communication <br /><br />E. Complete the dialogues with the sentences a-e.<br /><br />a. Are you sure?<br /><br />b. What does your mother look like?<br /><br />c. Thank you very much.<br /><br />d. I haven’t got a bike.<br /><br />e. Look! That’s my mother.<br /><br /><br />1. Natalia (1) _________<br /><br />Yana Wow. She’s very tall.<br /><br />Natalia Yeah. (2) _______<br /><br />Yana She’s short and slim.<br /><br />2. Mike (3) _________<br /><br />Ryan Here. You can ride my bike.<br /><br />Mike (4) _________<br /><br />Ryan Yes, of course.<br /><br />Mike (5) _________<br /><br />Ryan That’s all right.