
Crossword Puzzle. Complete the puzzle with words from the reading.
Ответ проверен экспертом
5 (1 оценка)
SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves 2 года назад
Светило науки - 432 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи


  1. warped
  2. accommodate
  3. pinpoint
  4. linked
  5. notify
  6. navigate
  7. vigorously
  8. GPS
  9. mayday
  10. monitor
  11. sipped
  12. perish
  13. severity
  14. stray
  15. tasks


См. вложение.

По горизонтали:

1) Distorted; badly mistaken (искаженный, сильно ошибающийся)

  • WARPED (искривленный)
  • "Much of the public has a warped sense of risk."

4) Connected; joined (соединенный, связный)

  • LINKED (взаимосвязанный)
  • "Vehicles in platoons traveling on the automated lanes would be temporarily linked into communications networks."

6) Find the way to a destination; plot a course (находить дорогу к месту назначения, положить курс)

  • NAVIGATE (ориентироваться)
  • "One of the most convenient aspects of smart cars is their ability to navigate."

10) Observe; watch (наблюдать, смотреть)

  • MONITOR (следить)
  • "Every car produced today has at least one computer for monitoring fuel consumption and pollution controls."

11) Drank slowly (медленно пили)

  • SIPPED (потягивали, прихлебывали)
  • "The drivers sat back and sipped their lattes."

13) Seriousness (серьезность)

  • SEVERITY (степень тяжести)
  • "To deploy airbags with the minimum necessary force, sensors determine an occupant's weight and size and the severity of impact."

14) Wander; drift; move away from the correct course (блуждать, смещаться, сойти с правильного курса)

  • STRAY (отклоняться)
  • "These 15 systems beep or war drivers with a voice signal if the vehicle gets too close to an object or another vehicle or if it strays out of its lane."

15) Jobs; responsibilities (работы, обязанности)

  • TASKS (задания)
  • "When it comes to simple tasks - changing channels on the radio or opening the trunk - voice controls work well enough."

По вертикали:

2) Handle; take care of (справляться, заботиться)

  • ACCOMMODATE (вмещать)
  • "One expert has said that the typical highway lane today can handle 2,000 vehicles per hour but estimated that an intelligent highway lane could accommodate up to 6,000 vehicles, depending on the number of entrances and exits."
  • *Вероятнее всего, при составлении кроссворда была допущена ошибка в количестве букв.

3) Find the exact location of something (находить точное расположение чего-либо)

  • PINPOINT (точно указывать)
  • "Another system can automatically notify emergency services that an accident has happened and, using a Global Positioning System (GPS), can pinpoint the location of the vehicle for police and rescue units."

5) Inform; warn (информировать, предупреждать)

  • NOTIFY (уведомлять)
  • "Another system can automatically notify emergency services that an accident has happened and, using a Global Positioning System (GPS), can pinpoint the location of the vehicle for police and rescue units."

7) Forcefully; energetically (настойчиво, энергично)

  • VIGOROUSLY (интенсивно, активно)
  • "This system should reduce the number of children hurt by airbags that open too vigorously."

8) Global Positioning System (глобальная позиционирующая система)

  • GPS (ГПС)
  • "Another system can automatically notify emergency services that an accident has happened and, using a Global Positioning System (GPS), can pinpoint the location of the vehicle for police and rescue units."

9) Emergency call for help; SOS (экстренный вызов помощи, СОС)

  • MAYDAY (сигнал бедствия)
  • "This "mayday system" can save precious minutes and many lives."

12) Die; pass away (умереть, скончаться)

  • PERISH (погибнуть)
  • "Around the world, it is believed that between 800,000 and 1.15 million perish in automobile accidents annually."


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