A Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• view • estate • cushions • neighbourhood • environment
• garden • baker’s • floor • rink • way

1 My house has got a nice ................................ with trees.
2 You can rent a house from an ................................ agent.
3 The bathroom is on the second ................................ .
4 There are lots of soft ................................ on the sofa.
5 The Maasai tribe have got a unique ................................ of life.
6 There is a great ................................ of the beach from my bedroom window.
7 At the ................................ you can buy bread.
8 John has got a skating ……...................... near his house.
9 Most cars are not friendly to the ......................................................... .
10 Mark’s new flat is by a big park in a nice ........................................................ .

B Underline the correct item.

1 There is a fridge/toilet in the kitchen.
2 The Empire State Building is popular/friendly with tourists.
3 London is home/house to more than 7 million people.
4 Mom is boiling some water on the cooker/toaster.


C Choose the correct item.

1 There ......... a great view from my balcony.
A are B is C has got

2 The floating Islands of Titicaca ......... in America, they’re in Peru.
A is B aren’t C isn’t

3 ......... a bookshop in your area?
A Isn’t it B Is there C Are there

4 You can buy ......... at the grocer’s.
A tomato B tomato’s C tomatoes

5 There is a bridge ......... the river.
A through B across C under

6 Are......... cushions from Ikea?
A that B those C this

7 There is a clock ......... the wall.
A in front B between C on

8 There is a small garden ......... the house.
A under B behind C on

9 There are ......... islands on the lake.
A some B any C a

10 Have you got ......... park near your house?
A the B - C a

11 There are lots of shops in ......... New York.
A a B - C the

12 Is there ......... pasta in the cupboard?
A any B a C some

13 Those ......... are from Italy.
A women B woman C woman’s

14 There is a little path ......... the forest.
A over B up C through

15 This is a cup and ......... is a glass.
A that B those C these
5 (1 оценка)
annand81 2 года назад
Светило науки - 87 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи

1 garden
4 cushions
9 environment
10 neighborhood


1 fridge


1 is
3Is there

Остались вопросы?

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.<br /><br /> • view • estate • cushions • neighbourhood • environment <br /> • garden • baker’s • floor • rink • way<br /><br /> 1 My house has got a nice ................................ with trees. <br /> 2 You can rent a house from an ................................ agent.<br /> 3 The bathroom is on the second ................................ .<br /> 4 There are lots of soft ................................ on the sofa.<br /> 5 The Maasai tribe have got a unique ................................ of life.<br /> 6 There is a great ................................ of the beach from my bedroom window.<br /> 7 At the ................................ you can buy bread. <br /> 8 John has got a skating ……...................... near his house. <br /> 9 Most cars are not friendly to the ......................................................... .<br /> 10 Mark’s new flat is by a big park in a nice ........................................................ .<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> B Underline the correct item.<br /><br /> 1 There is a fridge/toilet in the kitchen.<br /> 2 The Empire State Building is popular/friendly with tourists. <br /> 3 London is home/house to more than 7 million people.<br /> 4 Mom is boiling some water on the cooker/toaster.<br /><br /><br /><br /> Grammar<br /><br /> C Choose the correct item.<br /><br /> 1 There ......... a great view from my balcony.<br /> A are B is C has got<br /><br /> 2 The floating Islands of Titicaca ......... in America, they’re in Peru.<br /> A is B aren’t C isn’t<br /><br /> 3 ......... a bookshop in your area?<br /> A Isn’t it B Is there C Are there<br /><br /> 4 You can buy ......... at the grocer’s.<br /> A tomato B tomato’s C tomatoes<br /><br /> 5 There is a bridge ......... the river.<br /> A through B across C under<br /><br /> 6 Are......... cushions from Ikea?<br /> A that B those C this<br /><br /> 7 There is a clock ......... the wall.<br /> A in front B between C on<br /><br /> 8 There is a small garden ......... the house.<br /> A under B behind C on <br /><br /> 9 There are ......... islands on the lake.<br /> A some B any C a<br /><br /> 10 Have you got ......... park near your house?<br /> A the B - C a<br /><br /> 11 There are lots of shops in ......... New York.<br /> A a B - C the<br /><br /> 12 Is there ......... pasta in the cupboard?<br /> A any B a C some<br /><br /> 13 Those ......... are from Italy.<br /> A women B woman C woman’s<br /><br /> 14 There is a little path ......... the forest.<br /> A over B up C through<br /><br /> 15 This is a cup and ......... is a glass.<br /> A that B those C these