помогите!!! Test 8-5
1. Fill in: pollution, global warming, poverty, endangered, famine, homeless.
1. Because of ________ our planet gets hotter and hotter.
2. The oil spill near Alaska in 1989 was the worst case of water _____ in history.
3. Many people have been left ________
4. There are a lot of ________ species on the planet.
5. We say that people live in _______ when they don’t have enough money to pay for their food or housing.
2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
1. The ________ at the theatre last night was unforgettable! PERFORM
2. Her sister made such a nice_________ for the party. INVITE
3. What are your__________ in food? PREFER
4. Thanks to the generous_________ new houses were built. DONATE
5. The__________ of a very important letter was a shock for us. DISAPPEAR
3. Put the verbs in brackets into –ing form or infinitive (with or without to)
1. He avoids ___________ (travel) by plane because of his phobia.
2. What you can ____________ (do) is just not to mind your business.
3. Let’s spend our weekend ____________(shop) downtown.
4. Mark has decided ____________ (become) a lawyer as his father.
5. Don’t let him _________ (eat) ice cream or he will get a sore throat.
4. Fill in: used to, be used to, get used to in the correct form.
1. When I was a child I _______________ (ask) a lot of questions.
2. Sue lives alone. It is not strange for her. She ____________________ (live) alone.
3. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t ______________ (drive) on the left.
4. Mike __________________ (do) his homework to music. It’s a usual way he does it.
5. Paul grew in a house by the sea, so he __________ (go) swimming every day.
5. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. A lot of doctors were called ______ to help people after the air crash.
2. Call ______ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.
3. The meeting was called ______ but we still don’t know why.
4. A nurse often calls ______ my granny because she is not well.
5. The tsunami in Indonesia called_______ immediate action.
6. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. Relax, we are _____ of danger.
2. How ________ earth did you get here?
3. Only stupid people would keep lions as pets – they are wild _____ nature
4. After the hurricane Katrina New Orleans was _______ruins.
5. He was horrified to see his office ______ flames.
4 (2 оценки)
waving277 2 года назад
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1. global warming

2. pollution

3. homeless

4. endangered

5. poverty

1. performance

2. invitation

3. preferences

4. donations

5. disappearance

1. travelling

2. to do

3. shopping

4. to become


1. used to ask

2. got used to live

3. get used to drive

4. has got used to do

5. got used to go

последнее не знаю

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помогите!!! Test 8-5<br /> 1. Fill in: pollution, global warming, poverty, endangered, famine, homeless.<br /> 1. Because of ________ our planet gets hotter and hotter.<br /> 2. The oil spill near Alaska in 1989 was the worst case of water _____ in history.<br /> 3. Many people have been left ________<br /> 4. There are a lot of ________ species on the planet.<br /> 5. We say that people live in _______ when they don’t have enough money to pay for their food or housing.<br /> 2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.<br /> 1. The ________ at the theatre last night was unforgettable! PERFORM<br /> 2. Her sister made such a nice_________ for the party. INVITE<br /> 3. What are your__________ in food? PREFER<br /> 4. Thanks to the generous_________ new houses were built. DONATE<br /> 5. The__________ of a very important letter was a shock for us. DISAPPEAR<br /> 3. Put the verbs in brackets into –ing form or infinitive (with or without to)<br /> 1. He avoids ___________ (travel) by plane because of his phobia.<br /> 2. What you can ____________ (do) is just not to mind your business.<br /> 3. Let’s spend our weekend ____________(shop) downtown.<br /> 4. Mark has decided ____________ (become) a lawyer as his father.<br /> 5. Don’t let him _________ (eat) ice cream or he will get a sore throat.<br /> 4. Fill in: used to, be used to, get used to in the correct form.<br /> 1. When I was a child I _______________ (ask) a lot of questions.<br /> 2. Sue lives alone. It is not strange for her. She ____________________ (live) alone.<br /> 3. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t ______________ (drive) on the left.<br /> 4. Mike __________________ (do) his homework to music. It’s a usual way he does it.<br /> 5. Paul grew in a house by the sea, so he __________ (go) swimming every day.<br /> 5. Fill in the correct preposition.<br /> 1. A lot of doctors were called ______ to help people after the air crash.<br /> 2. Call ______ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.<br /> 3. The meeting was called ______ but we still don’t know why.<br /> 4. A nurse often calls ______ my granny because she is not well.<br /> 5. The tsunami in Indonesia called_______ immediate action.<br /> 6. Fill in the correct preposition.<br /> 1. Relax, we are _____ of danger.<br /> 2. How ________ earth did you get here?<br /> 3. Only stupid people would keep lions as pets – they are wild _____ nature<br /> 4. After the hurricane Katrina New Orleans was _______ruins.<br /> 5. He was horrified to see his office ______ flames.