Помогите, пожалуйста, срочно сделать упражнение:
Complete the rules
-sh -v -es -es -s -es -i -f -o
To make the noun plural, when it ends in
• -s,-ss, ,-ch,-x, , we add the ending
• , or-fe, we change them into and add
• consonant + y, we change it into
and add
In all other cases, we add the ending
to most of the nouns.
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immunelka 2 года назад
Светило науки - 7 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


Complete the rules

-sh -v -es -es -s -es -i -f -o

To make the noun plural, when it ends in

-s, -ss, -es, -ch, -x, -sh, we add the ending


f or-fe, we change them into -ve and add -es;

• consonant + y, we change it into -i

and add -es.

In all other cases, we add the ending -s

to most of the nouns.


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