СРОЧНО! Помогите пожалуйста с английским!!!

Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence.
1. We … from that company now as their prices are very expensive.
a) don’t buying;
b) doesn’t buy;
c) are not buying;
d) not buying.
2. After three years in the company, we normally expect all employees in this department to apply for … to the next level.
a) help;
b) support;
c) promotion;
d) advance.
3. How much … the product cost next year?
a) will;
b) will be;
c) do;
d) is.
4. After a bad year, I must tell you that our … . Have risen to a very
high level. Sadly, I think that the company must close.
a) credits;
b) debts;
c) profits;
d) debtors.
5. If they … the products from us, we would have offered them a
a) would buy;
b) would have bought;
c) had buy;
d) had bought.
6. As we manufacture many different products, we usually use a …
production process.
a) group;
b) batch;
c) set;
d) bunch.
5 (1 оценка)
Nikollan 3 года назад
Светило науки - 2 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи

Ответ:1 с, 2c, 3a,4 b,5 d, 6 b


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СРОЧНО! Помогите пожалуйста с английским!!! <br /><br /> Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence.<br /> 1. We … from that company now as their prices are very expensive.<br /> a) don’t buying;<br /> b) doesn’t buy;<br /> c) are not buying;<br /> d) not buying.<br /> 2. After three years in the company, we normally expect all employees in this department to apply for … to the next level.<br /> a) help;<br /> b) support;<br /> c) promotion;<br /> d) advance.<br /> 3. How much … the product cost next year?<br /> a) will;<br /> b) will be;<br /> c) do;<br /> d) is.<br /> 4. After a bad year, I must tell you that our … . Have risen to a very<br /> high level. Sadly, I think that the company must close.<br /> a) credits;<br /> b) debts;<br /> c) profits;<br /> d) debtors.<br /> 5. If they … the products from us, we would have offered them a<br /> discount.<br /> a) would buy;<br /> b) would have bought;<br /> 113<br /> c) had buy;<br /> d) had bought.<br /> 6. As we manufacture many different products, we usually use a …<br /> production process.<br /> a) group;<br /> b) batch;<br /> c) set;<br /> d) bunch.<br />