Put the right form of a word beginning with some-, any-, no- or every- into the conversation.

Dennis: Have you read anything interesting lately?

Sarah: Yes, (1)............ lent me a novel last week and I really enjoyed it .

Dennis: What was it about?

Sarah: It was about (2)............ who goes to visit Australia. She likes to go (3).............. alone. While she\'s travelling around on her own, (4)................. terrible happens to her. She loses (5).................. – including her passport and all her money. She doesn\'t know (6)...............who can help her, and she\'s got (7)............. to stay.

Dennis: What happens then?

Sarah: I\'m not going to tell you (8)............. else! You should read the book yourself.

Dennis: It sounds like a very depressing book! l\'d prefer to read (9)........... funny.

Sarah: No, read it. It\'s great fun. And (10).............. wonderful happens at the end.
5 (1 оценка)
slyuda1955 3 года назад
Светило науки - 3162 ответа - 11625 раз оказано помощи

1 somebody

2 somebody

3 everywhere

4 something

5 everything

6 anybody

7 nowhere

8 anything

9 something

10 something

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Put the right form of a word beginning with some-, any-, no- or every- into the conversation.<br /><br /> Dennis: Have you read anything interesting lately?<br /><br /> Sarah: Yes, (1)............ lent me a novel last week and I really enjoyed it .<br /><br /> Dennis: What was it about?<br /><br /> Sarah: It was about (2)............ who goes to visit Australia. She likes to go (3).............. alone. While she\'s travelling around on her own, (4)................. terrible happens to her. She loses (5).................. – including her passport and all her money. She doesn\'t know (6)...............who can help her, and she\'s got (7)............. to stay.<br /><br /> Dennis: What happens then?<br /><br /> Sarah: I\'m not going to tell you (8)............. else! You should read the book yourself.<br /><br /> Dennis: It sounds like a very depressing book! l\'d prefer to read (9)........... funny.<br /><br /> Sarah: No, read it. It\'s great fun. And (10).............. wonderful happens at the end.