Vocabulary 4 Match the words below with the definitions. There are two extra words. architect arsonist art gallery desert greengrocer\'s news bulletin shower smuggler waiter wood 1 This shop only sells fruit and vegetables. __________________ 2 This person designs houses and other buildings. __________________ 3 We use this word for rain when it isn’t very heavy and it stops quickly. __________________ 4 This TV programme tells you about events in the world. __________________ 5 It never rains in this place, and no plants grow. __________________ 6 People go here to look at famous paintings. __________________ 7 This criminal likes to burn things. __________________ 8 This material comes from trees, and it is used to make paper. __________________
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Yuriygreshnikov 3 года назад
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1) greengrocer's

2) architect

3) shower

4) news

5) desert

6) gallery

7) arsonist

8) wood


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