2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Il. I am
(tall) than my sister.
12. My mum thinks that cats are
(good) than dogs.
13. It is the
(interesting) book of these three.
14. My car
(fast) than yours.
15. A blue whale is
(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
16. You look
(thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
17. English is
(difficult) than History.
18. She is the
(nice) person of all I know.
19. Monday is the
(bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
20. Computers are
(cheap) than mobile phones.
21. Janet is the
(intelligent) girl in the class.
22. Your dress is
(expensive) than mine.
3. Choose the correct item.
23. Visitors can\'t have to / don\'t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
24. You can\'t / must / mustn\'t get permission to invite friends in your room.
25. The students needn\'t / mustn\'t/ have to drive on campus. It\'s forbidden.
26. You mustn\'t/ must / can\'t pay the rent. That\'s the rule.
27. I\'m afraid you can/can\'t/ needn\'t go out now. It\'s too late.
28. He has to /can\'t / mustn\'t do his homework every day.
29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.
30. People can/mustn\'t/ must stop at the red line. It\'s the rule.
31. Students can/ must / mustn\'t put posters on the walls. It\'s forbidden.
32. You can\'t/ must / can haye party here. It isn\'t allowed.
4. Read the text and answer the questions.
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oxieshka 3 года назад
Светило науки - 1 ответ - 0 раз оказано помощи


11. taller

12. better

13. the most interesting

14. faster

15. heavier

16. thinner

17. more difficult

18. the nicest

19. the worst

20. cheaper

21. most intelligent

22. more expensive

23. dont have to

24. must

25. mustnt

26. must

27. cant

28. has to

29. must

30. must

31. mustnt

32. cant

Остались вопросы?

<br />.СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА <br />2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.<br />Il. I am<br />(tall) than my sister.<br />12. My mum thinks that cats are<br />(good) than dogs.<br />13. It is the<br />(interesting) book of these three.<br />14. My car<br />(fast) than yours.<br />15. A blue whale is<br />heavier<br />(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.<br />16. You look<br />(thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?<br />17. English is<br />(difficult) than History.<br />18. She is the<br />+<br />(nice) person of all I know.<br />19. Monday is the<br />(bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.<br />20. Computers are<br />(cheap) than mobile phones.<br />21. Janet is the<br />(intelligent) girl in the class.<br />22. Your dress is<br />(expensive) than mine.<br />3. Choose the correct item.<br />23. Visitors can\'t have to / don\'t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.<br />24. You can\'t / must / mustn\'t get permission to invite friends in your room.<br />25. The students needn\'t / mustn\'t/ have to drive on campus. It\'s forbidden.<br />26. You mustn\'t/ must / can\'t pay the rent. That\'s the rule.<br />27. I\'m afraid you can/can\'t/ needn\'t go out now. It\'s too late.<br />28. He has to /can\'t / mustn\'t do his homework every day.<br />29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.<br />30. People can/mustn\'t/ must stop at the red line. It\'s the rule.<br />31. Students can/ must / mustn\'t put posters on the walls. It\'s forbidden.<br />32. You can\'t/ must / can haye party here. It isn\'t allowed.<br />4. Read the text and answer the questions.<br />Tone​