2 a)
a) Read again and answer the questions
1 Where is the Glasgow School of Sport?
2 What subjects are there at the school
3 What sports can students do?
4 How many students are there in the schoon
5 What happens every year?
6 What do many students do when they finish school?
7 Which competitions do students take part in?
8 Who has got a silver medal for swimming?
b) Find four school subjects and five sports in the text. Whida
sport can you see in the picture?​
4 (53 оценки)
itachiuchiha134 3 года назад
Светило науки - 15 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи

1. In Scotland.

2. There are a lot of subjects: Geography,

Maths, English, Science and sports subjects


3. Swimming, hockey, badminton and other

4. There are 1,100 students.

5. Competitions (соревнования)

6. They become athletes

7. They take part in Youth Olympics and

Commonwealth Games

8. Michael Jamieson

4 (20 оценок)
akosachv 3 года назад
Светило науки - 15 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. In Scotland.

2. There are a lot of subjects: Geography,

Maths, English, Science and sports subjects


3. Swimming, hockey, badminton and other

4. There are 1,100 students.

5. Competitions (соревнования)

6. They become athletes

7. They take part in Youth Olympics and

Commonwealth Games

8. Michael Jamieson


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