Задание: Talk about your flat/house using the following prompts. (Моя комната маленькая, но уютная,цвет обоев фиолетовый,перестановку не люблю,комната в современном стиле, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ДОПИШИТЕ ЭТО КАК НИБУДЬ)) + желательно перевод предложений
1)I live...(in centre of Moscow)
2)My flat is on the...floor of a...-storey block on flats
3)It has (all) modern conveniences:...
4)It is a...-roomed flat with a...(living room etc).
5)My favorite room is a...
6)It is...(large,cosy etc).
7)The wall/wallpaper colour is...
8)The furniture there is...(modern,stylish,etc)
9)It includes...(a round table, etc)
10)I like/dislike rearranging the furniture.
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3 (139 оценок)
ToDream 8 лет назад
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I live in the centre of Moscow. My flat is on the (этаж,например 3) floor of a - (сколько этажей в доме?)-store block of flats. It has all modern conveniences - electricity, hot and cold water, gas, central heating. It is a (сколько комнат?)-roomed flat with a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen.(опять же, сколько комнат в квартире?). My favourite room is my room. It is small, but very comfortable. The wallpaper colour is purple.The furniture is rather stylish.It includes - a bed, a desk with comuter on it, a wardrobe, 2 bookshelves, a carpet on the floor and a cosy armchair. I dislike rearranging the furniture.

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Задание: Talk about your flat/house using the following prompts. (Моя комната маленькая, но уютная,цвет обоев фиолетовый,перестановку не люблю,комната в современном стиле, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ДОПИШИТЕ ЭТО КАК НИБУДЬ)) + желательно перевод предложений<br /> 1)I live...(in centre of Moscow)<br /> 2)My flat is on the...floor of a...-storey block on flats<br /> 3)It has (all) modern conveniences:...<br /> 4)It is a...-roomed flat with a...(living room etc).<br /> 5)My favorite room is a...<br /> 6)It is...(large,cosy etc).<br /> 7)The wall/wallpaper colour is...<br /> 8)The furniture there is...(modern,stylish,etc)<br /> 9)It includes...(a round table, etc)<br /> 10)I like/dislike rearranging the furniture.